Thursday, January 5, 2012

10 loves: Culinary Resolutions

cookies from truly inspire
time for New Year's Resolutions - the fun kind!
I confess I love new beginnings, clean slates, resolutions - the whole bit.  Lists have made me happy for as long as I can recall.  And yes, I am one of those sick twists who will put an item on a list just to cross if off.  :)

With that, let me share my ...

culinary resolutions for 2012

1. Master a few recipes that begin with dried beans.

2. Plant a small kitchen garden this spring. (Keep it alive all summer.)

3. Make a chocolate souffle.

4.  Eat at L'Espalier.

5.  Do a food tour in NYC.

6. Get my knives professionally sharpened.

7.  Make a rolled cake.

8.  Make spaetzle.

9.  Take a class at Stir.

10.  Make a pie from scratch (the crust will be the kicker here).

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